

This film is directed by Michael Bay known for directing films like The Rock (1996), Pearl Harbor (2001) or The Island (2005) and transformers (2007). The director proved already in the rock rather than spare capacity to make the incredible credible because it does not allow the viewer nor a minute's respite to reflect on the absurdity of the situations posed. It should have been an incredible film with great characters (Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler), great special effects, and a great plot. on the other hand has one of the best soundtracks "I don´t wanna miss a thing" by Aerosmith

The story begins when an asteroid the size of Texas is heading towards the Earth on a collision course, and it has to be stopped. This is demonstrated by New York being decimated by small meteorites crashing into buildings. The technicians at NASA then find that they have somehow missed a huge asteroid, and get the best drillers in the world to travel up to the thing, drill an 800 foot hole in it, and set off a large nuclear weapon.
To that end, NASA recruits a group of rowdy oil riggers, lead by Bruce Willis. His team includes the requisite archetypes: cocky stud Ben Affleck, wise-guy Steve Buscemi, repentant father Will Patton and righteous dude Owen Wilson, plus a whacked-out muscleman and a goofy fat guy. Adding spice and romance to the mix is Liv Tyler as Willis' spunky daughter and Affleck's honey bunny.

After spending several problems in space, the character of Bruce Willis ends as a hero for who he is playing detonate the bomb by hand to save the world.
It is a high-action drama, defined at the outset that wants to be: an action film with spectacular special effects, and not disappointed in this aspect. The effects are very good, and the fact of having a soundtrack full of rock music that includes several items of Aerosmith gives you a lot of energy to the film. The quick release similar to that of the video clip maintains constant action.

As far as the actual plot mechanics, no cliché is missed, including the time-honored "should I cut the blue wire or the red wire" bomb defusing scene.

The actors play their roles gamely. Billy Bob Thornton anchors the film nicely, while Bruce plays the hero, using an odd, semi-Southern accent where he kind of swallows his words. Ben and Liv are okay as Ken and Barbie with attitude, and Steve Buscemi breaks the tension just enough with well-timed, generally funny wisecracks. Newcomer Owen Wilson steals scenes as the only crew member totally enthusiastic about the adventure.
If looking for an action film where the main protagonists are the special effects, Armageddon is one of the best representatives of this gender; since it has a luxury casting, one of the best managers in this type of action film about special effects and very real. It shows one of the typical stories hypothetical No one thinks that will be the end of the earth, but also recounts a love story that at the end wins.

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