

One of the most challenging aspects of the science of anthropology COMES from its fieldwork. Certainly in its infancy as a profession, anthropology was distinguished by its concentration on so called "primitive societies" in which social institutions APPEARED to be fairly limited. Such societies PROVIDED anthropologists with a valuable insight into the workings of society that CONTRASTED whith the many complexities of more highly developed societies. There WAS also a sense that the ways of life represented by these smaller societies HAVE DISAPPEARED; and for this reason, it WAS a matter of urgency that societies preserved a record of them. The commitment of anthropologists LED them to some of the most inaccessible places on earth. Most often they worked alone. Such a lack of contact with other people created feelings of intense loneliness in some anthropologists. Nevertheless, this process of immersion in a totally alien country WILL CONTINUE to attract men and women to anthropology. Now, people understand more effectively how the world works.

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